WendyN's Travel photoset WendyN's Travel photoset

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Cheapskate People

Have you ever encountered or caught people using your stuff without consent?

I have! And even my company's assets. Just too ridiculous. And we caught them red handed!

For my case, when I was in studying overseas, I shared a room with another housemate. So the door knob is not lockable, so have no choice but just leave it as it is... So one day, I realised someone adjusted my stuff and left the fresh A4 printing paper on my bed.. I was like wat the hell. Later, my housemate came in embarrassment, admitting that she took my stuff.

Immediately, in my heart, so all along she has invaded my properties without permission and didn't feel apologetic at all. This is really Bullshit man... I can't stand this kinda behaviour... If you ask, I will not look at you in a different manner... All you need is just ASK!!..

There are many cases, that leads to why I would rather stay alone to prevent such things from happening... Thou, the rent is higher but I feel more secure and free...

For my office, briefly, we rented a small room from this company, so basically, the room belongs us. Since we rented the room, no one else should intrude and use our stuff. If not, why we rent and pay for the room? Guess what, today, my boss found out that one of the boss from the next door company, came over to photocopy something. And left the document there. Yes, we caught them red handed. Now, we are in doubts, whether to leave our laptop behind and other valuable stuff. Its just show how much ppl can be trusted man.. we even suspected, have they been using our office supplies all along at our expenses? Its just not fair rite? Topping up of toner, paper, and stuff are not say very cheap..

Sighh... really disgusting heh..


At 11:37 AM, Blogger Happy Eve said...

Haha! Wendy,this reminds me that my housemates also uses my fying pan without asking me. And the worst thing is, they didnt wash it completely clean and just leave it on the kitchen table. Sigh. Not only that, sometime they take my food frm the fridge without my permission as well. Sigh. What's wrong with this people???

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Wendy & Dalon said...

hahha... i understand how you feel.. u feel rather annoyed by their action... and really cant stand this kinda behaviour..esp food.. staying together with others will get this kinda shit.. so just endure abit and leave them.. unless, u can go out and leave on ur own... that's the best.. :)

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Happy Eve said...

Hmm...yea, true thou. But, i dun care oledi. Im gona move out soon!!!! Very soon! Counting down!One more month to go....:)


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