WendyN's Travel photoset WendyN's Travel photoset

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wedding Day Photos

Pictures from Wendy Neo
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Part 1 of Our Wedding Day. Stay tune for more...
(1 of 231 pictures)



Friday, January 12, 2007

Gift from Philippines

Our friend from Philippines gave us this gift, which is really nice and sweet. Really appreciate his blessing and well wishes. Let me show you guys his artwork. Thanks chock!

We luv it. Hope to see you in Singapore! Mabuhay!


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Disappointment after Disappointment Part 2

Another complaints expressed by another fellow tour member.

To person in charge,
As Japan is one of the more pricey tour package for an average Singaporean.I decided to spend a little more to make my Honeymoon a memorable one. In the Natas fair, i was impressed by the large scale and itenerary ASA had in place.That is why i impart my hard earned money to ASA.(it can't be too bad from SA tours if you were partners)

I would like to name a few pointers that was in the Itenerary that was not covered or badly done.
1. In brochure- Visit Osaka Castle. Actual: Take photo almost 1 km away from the Castle. 2.Takeshima Island-We merely cross the bridge and back back in 30 minutes.If there is nothing much to see, don't write so in your brochure and waste such a trip.It does not appeal to young couples nor the 387 m long bridge friendly for any elder to cross.
3.Mt Fuji- Due to rain, we are not able to travel to higher level.The following day weather was great.I guess any one of us would rather try another round of MT Fuji than watching some steam from hills(boiling valley) and taking a pointless pirateship ride.I would have protested if i knew earlier.Another wasted trip.
4.In brochure- In Odaiba park- Take picture of rainbow bridge and Toyko Tower. How are we able to take good picture when the Tokyo Tower is block by the Rainbow brigde.And Tokyo tower should be taken at night not early in morning.
5.Brochure-We will visit Ginza's shopping,dining & entertainment....Actual:hasty lunch and not even a minute to take a good picture that i've been to Ginza.
6. Shinjuku -1 hour to shop and dine.And rushed back to hotel to do nothing.
7. Daily, right after dinner, we were rushed back to hotel.Spending our precious evenings staring at my wife or visit the nearest vending machine.Never had we got any activities after dinner.Does the drive knocks off at 8 or what?
8.Accomodation: Poor location, worst hotel in the whole trip.Right in the middle of wholesale fish market that never sleeps with forklift beeping away and too isolated for anyone to venture on our own.This hotel is just not right for us.It is obviously for long distant truck drivers to rest for the night.
9.Tour guide Mr Ho- Though experience and has lots to share, he is clever to manipulate and sarcastic.Just not the right attitude guide expected.

I hope the prints in your brochure are not gimmicks with words but some variation that can be improved. Now its too late to do any thing to save my honeymoon. My intention to Japan is not to stay in the hotel rooms in evenings,poor accomodation, hasty meals & shopping, nor being manipulated by the sarcastic guide.

I believe your tour leader Anne has the integrity to voice the truth.You will find all the above mentioned valid.

You can take this letter as another petty complain or make improvement. SIN is a small country with limited population but holiday makers can afford to travel almost yearly.Which means recurring biz is important. If word-of-mouth references is the strongest and cheapest way to market, it is also the easiest downfall. If there is no product differientiation .

Only difference is service and in your case knowing what your customer wants and fufilling it to your best is important.

Your reply to this letter will tell me if ASA is keen to be a player in your industry. Hope to see your reply soon.

PS: This letter is being cc & bcc to relevent parties concerning this matter.


Disappointment after disappointment Part 1

Dear all,

We have expressed our disappointment to ASA Holidays as follows:
First by Dalon:
Dear Sir/Mdm,
I'm writing in to express my disappointment at your company's Central Japan tour i booked from 23rd Dec - 29th Dec 2006.My wife and I were intoduced by my in-laws due to the great experience they had with your Korea tour. As it was our honeymoon, my Birthday and our First Christmas as husband and wife, we decided to go with your company as we wanted an enjoyable trip without hiccups as you are reputed for. Unfortunately, the trip was not up to our standards, nor to many of the other tour members we spoke to.

Here is a short list of why we were thoroughly disappointed:
1. Universal Sudios - As expected of a Sunday in dec, the place was overcrowded and queues were long. I am fine with that but as a first timer to Japan, i am not familiar with the workings of the queues and procedures and due to the crowd i was only able to catch 1 ride and 1 show during my 5 hours there. Only when i returned to the bus and shared my experience did i find out there were "Fastpass" that we could have bought and single queues we could have joined to speed up our queueing time. I do not understand why we were not told about all these beforehand. I do not understand japanese and it is already a hassle to get around much less find out about all these myself. When i questioned the Tour Guide Mr Ho, as to why we were not told about the Fast passes, i was replied with "Oh that one need money!" May i know if that statement insinuated that i did not have money to pay for it?

2. Mt Fuji - Due to heavy rain and snow, we were only able to reach the first pass of Mt Fuji. We were then told to get off the bus to have a look. From the first pass and In the rain, all we could see was trees and the road. I fully understand this part of the tour is subject to weather conditions.
What i do not understand is why the next day morning, when the weather was GREAT, we were not given the option to go Mt Fuji, which was to me the main highlight of the trip, but instead we were brought to see and island. When we reached that island, the group was told we don't have time, just go across the bridge and come back. The 30 min tour of the island was forgone without a proper explaination. It was totally pointless to have gone there!.
What i do not understand is why the next day morning, when the weather was GREAT, we were not given the option to go Mt Fuji, which was to me the main highlight of the trip, but instead we were brought to see and island. When we reached that island, the group was told we don't have time, just go across the bridge and come back. The 30 min tour of the island was forgone without a proper explaination. It was totally pointless to have gone there!

3. Accommodations - I was utterly disappointed with the choice of hotels you arranged for us. I am not expecting 5 star hotels for the price i'm paying. but i certainly did not expect to sleep beside a 24hr warehouse/distribution center. With lumpy mattresses. forklifts operating and trucks going by ALL night, how is anyone expected to get any rest? The rest of the time the hotels are all in very isolated locations with nothing around the area and that leads me to the 4th point.

4. Timing - Due to shorter days in Winter, i understand the tour guide's concern to complete the itinery before dark. After the first couple of days i began to find that excuse used too often to cover up "lost" itinery and shorter time spent at certain locations. Always we were "hurried" back to the hotel and i don't remember reaching ANY hotel after 8pm. With the rural locations of the hotels, the group was left with nothing to do for the remainder of the night. A great example of this would be our visit to Shinjuku in Tokyo. We were given 1 hour to have dinner AND walk around Shinjuku and got back to the hotel early as usual. In your experience as an established tour agency, do you think that is sufficient time? Could the tour guide not have given us more time outside to enjoy as he knew the rural location of the hotels?

5. Tour Guide Attitude - Due to the fact that it is my honeymoon and my birthday, i wanted to enjoy my trip without having to worry or get myself agitated. Unfortunately, this was not to be. Mr Ho might have had a lot of experience and stories to share but his imcompetence as a tour guide, constant boasting and sarcastic answers left me speechless. When we were told the hotel could not accomodate us for dinner and had to outsource it, Mr Ho told us on the bus, "This one they arrange one, don't know if good or not" REPEATEDLY. At the location, we were served with 3 appetizers, soup, chawanmushi, tempura, excellant steak and a shashimi boat each plus dessert. Mr Ho then said, "When hotel told me they cancel i ask them to compensate good dinner, if not i complain them. I make sure you all have good dinner one!" Need i explain anymore?

On the last day in Japan another fellow honeymooners, Ronald and Jasmine, asked Mr Ho if there was anything around the hotel we could see or go ourselves to enjoy our last night in Japan.

(Mr Ho, "Got!! The carpark lor!"
When prompted further, " Have!! The road lor!"
When prompted further still, "Have but must hire the bus or take cab, that one need to pay money you know!")
Again, insinuating we are unable to pay? We gave up asking him. When we reached the hotel, Asa rep, Ann, manage to get a hold of information from another tour agent and passed it to us. There was a location not 10 mins away with food and pubs with FREE bus service to and fro. To add salt to injury, Mr Ho immediately came over and told us, "Ya here got a lot of feed and pubs, can go. Not bad!" As long as this letter is, there are a lot of other instances where i got bad replies and unsatisfactory service, but i'm afraid if i continue any longer this will become a thesis on ASA's bad Japan Tour. So i shall end it here and await ASA's satisfactory answer to my ruined Honeymoon, Birthday and Christmas of 2006.

What's your view? Share your thoughts!!
PS: I will be posting up the list of complaints from various tour members and updates if we receive reply from ASA. Stay Tune!!!



Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Trip to Japan

Its a new year again. Welcome 2007! Its a new year with new resolution. I hope everyone has their new goals set and ready to strive towards it. Oh well, we just came back from Japan. How to describe the trip? hmmm...

Well, it wasn't that fantastic. Reason being the tour guide is so full of bullshit and the hotels are located at the most isolated place ever. Those hotels looked like those budgeted standard. And the amenities around the hotel is nowhere to be found... We had a lot of resentments during the trip. Another ridiculous one will be the questions and answers. First, we enquired the tour guide, "is there any where (like shopping centres, coffee places, etc..) we can go around the hotel?". As we reached the hotel kinda early like 7pm, so we felt that its a waste to stay in the room and do nothing. The reply from tour guide, "no choice lor, nothing to do lor, the driver is tired.. only carpark nearby" What kinda reply is that? We are not asking the driver to drive us around. And asking us to go carpark is the most irresponsible reply ever. So unhelpful and rude of the local tour guide from Japan. The stupidity of his behavior has reflected badly on the company reputation.

Well, at least, during the trip, few of the tour members agree that the service is sux to the max. Let's see how are they gonna compensate us. If not, we will lodge further complains. Its probably the last time to we join tour group.

Pros about the trip, we learned a lot about the trendy culture of Japan. Japanese never failed to dress up. They dressed up uniquely and every individual has their own style. Isn't that amazing? We felt so dressed down when we were surrounded by them. haha... And the fanatic part, Hello Kitty is worshipped as god in Japan. They have amulets or good luck charms of Hello kitty. haha.. Japanese really go all the way when it comes to innovativeness. Interesting thou. :)

Enough of the trip, we took quite a lot of photos. Will put it up when I'm home.. hehe.. Been bz since we are back from Japan, bz with drinking, eating in the east, gathering for new year celebration.. on and on... haha... well, at least, we end the year with a fruitful one...

Last but not least, Happy New Year to everyone who is reading our Blog!
