WendyN's Travel photoset WendyN's Travel photoset

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Trip to Japan

Its a new year again. Welcome 2007! Its a new year with new resolution. I hope everyone has their new goals set and ready to strive towards it. Oh well, we just came back from Japan. How to describe the trip? hmmm...

Well, it wasn't that fantastic. Reason being the tour guide is so full of bullshit and the hotels are located at the most isolated place ever. Those hotels looked like those budgeted standard. And the amenities around the hotel is nowhere to be found... We had a lot of resentments during the trip. Another ridiculous one will be the questions and answers. First, we enquired the tour guide, "is there any where (like shopping centres, coffee places, etc..) we can go around the hotel?". As we reached the hotel kinda early like 7pm, so we felt that its a waste to stay in the room and do nothing. The reply from tour guide, "no choice lor, nothing to do lor, the driver is tired.. only carpark nearby" What kinda reply is that? We are not asking the driver to drive us around. And asking us to go carpark is the most irresponsible reply ever. So unhelpful and rude of the local tour guide from Japan. The stupidity of his behavior has reflected badly on the company reputation.

Well, at least, during the trip, few of the tour members agree that the service is sux to the max. Let's see how are they gonna compensate us. If not, we will lodge further complains. Its probably the last time to we join tour group.

Pros about the trip, we learned a lot about the trendy culture of Japan. Japanese never failed to dress up. They dressed up uniquely and every individual has their own style. Isn't that amazing? We felt so dressed down when we were surrounded by them. haha... And the fanatic part, Hello Kitty is worshipped as god in Japan. They have amulets or good luck charms of Hello kitty. haha.. Japanese really go all the way when it comes to innovativeness. Interesting thou. :)

Enough of the trip, we took quite a lot of photos. Will put it up when I'm home.. hehe.. Been bz since we are back from Japan, bz with drinking, eating in the east, gathering for new year celebration.. on and on... haha... well, at least, we end the year with a fruitful one...

Last but not least, Happy New Year to everyone who is reading our Blog!



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