WendyN's Travel photoset WendyN's Travel photoset

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Photography in Malacca

Just came back from Malacca. Went for a shooting trip. It was satisfying not contented.. We needed more interesting scenery, sights, etc for us to shoot further. Probably, we just missed out some good shooting area.. Cos we are not professionals! haha.. well, we will get better..
For my first attempt, I believe I have done my best and given the best shot! I only selected a few.. But it may not be the best, but I guess, practice makes perfect! Not bad for amateur man!

At the night market, Jonker walk, saw this colourful lamps, captured the nice contrast.. Is the composition good? hehee

Saw this old bike against the white moldy wall, at least i got some artistic genes! I would this is the best shot, I've got!

I managed to snap this.. it was amazing! Its some sticky candy thingy.. which was passed down since ancient! Now they have improvised, modernized and uptrend, as you can see, there are other fruits to combine on tat stick..
Probably, gonna take up some more photography courses to enhance my photography skills to another level.
I felt satisfaction when i managed to capture a good shot.. I believe I can take artistic shot! hehehe


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