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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Moonshine Alcohol!

Moonshine is a common term for home-distilled alcohol, especially in places where this production is illegal.

The name is often assumed to be derived from the fact that moonshine producers and smugglers would often work at night (i.e. under the light of the moon) to avoid arrest for producing illegal liquor. In daytime the smoke from a still would be visible from afar. The 1811 edition of the Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, originally by Francis Grose, defines "moonshine" as follows: "A matter or mouthful of moonshine; a trifle, nothing. The white brandy smuggled on the coasts of Kent and Sussex, and the gin in the north of Yorkshire, are also called moonshine."[1] It has been suggested that the term might derive from smugglers' explaining away their boxes and barrels as "mere moonshine" (that is, nothing).[2]

Im surprised that this actually can happen. cool..


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Guy Friends?

"Guy Friends"

One thing that I will never understand is girls who have alot of, if not only, guy friends. They say "I don't like girls, I don't get along with them, they are cat like. I like guys better. Most of my friends are guys".

Today on my way home from school I was listening to Tom Leykis, and he had a topic going about girls who have guy friends. This one caller called in and said that the girl he was dating had too many guy friends. He would see them flirting, and long hugs, and such. Another caller said he had the same thing, and the girls always assure them that "hes just a friend", and caught her cheating. Tom's advice was to "dump that bytch", which I happen to agree with.

I am not insinuating that to have guy friends means you will cheat necessarily. Of course it depends on the girl. However, girls with guy friends, for the most part, are sexually promiscuous or liberal. Not all the time, but for the general part, that is the trend. They like the attention from the guys they get. And girls who think guys are just their friends do not know guys.

Men and women are different. As such the thing that binds them is attraction. Guys and girls cannot, ever, EVER be friends, without their being some ulterior motive. The girl might not know, and truly believe the guy is her friend, but the guy, being a guy, thinks differently. Men and women think differently, is my point. A girl may assure her boyfriend that "he's just a friend", but the boyfriend knows better, because he is a guy, and knows how men think. There are exceptions to the rule. Men and women can be friends, if there is absolutely no sexual attraction, or the guy is a clueless nerd, or gay. Otherwise, most guys will be friends with you until the point where they realize they cannot get some, or that you get a boyfriend. Then they will disappear and not be as close to you.

I am not talking about acquaintances, but friends. Friends who you spend alot of time with. You go out together, share things together, spend time together. And I am saying that guys and girls cannot be friends aside from those minor exceptions, and that no guy should ever date a girl who has nothing but guy friends, or a guy best friend, or any such thing. The same applies to the man of course. He should not have any friends that are girls that he spends time with, or shares anything with. That is the whole purpose of why you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Otherwise, you shouldn't ever be in a relationship with a boyfriend, if you have all those guyfriends which you want to keep on your keychain. -- By anonymouse.

Any thoughts?


Frankly, in my opinion, some guy friends are just meant to be friend.. nothing else, but obviously like the article mentioned above, guys think differently! hahaha..
Oh well, guys are still guys.. Can't stop.. all the guys would love to have a bonus stage between the guy and girl friendship.. Trust me.. hahaa..

What is bonus stage in friendship? Watch "Friends".. Alrighty, it means a stage whereby you can get together for just one night and no strings attached.. And do whatever.. you know... Next day, move on.. I am sure many urging for that! hahaha ;)


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Places I wanna go before I RIP

I would love to visit these places:

1. Bora Bora Lagoon Resort & Spa

ora Bora -Unquestionably the most mythical of the Pacific islands remains the island of all dreams.

Honeymooners and romantics from around the world have laid claim to Bora Bora where the castle-like Mount Otemanu pierces the sky above the crystal lagoon with its unique over the water bungalows that offer a magical oneness with this extraordinary environment.

Lush tropical slopes and valleys blossom with hibiscus, while palm-covered motu circle the lagoon like a delicate necklace. Perfect white-sand beaches give way to emerald waters where impossibly colored fish animate the coral gardens. So much has been written about Bora Bora, and yet it is hard to find the right words to describe the magic that emanates from this island

2. Maldives - www.island-hideaway.com
Maldives ranked as the Best Beach and Rest & Relaxation destination
16 December 2008
Male’, 15 December 2008; The Maldives has been ranked as the Best Country Brand for Beach and Best Country Brand for Rest and Relaxation for the year 2008. Maldives also ranked 2nd in the Best Country Brand for Natural Beauty and 3rd in the Best Country Brand for Resort and Lodging Options. The Country Brand Index was officially released during London’s World Travel Market in November 2008.

Country Brand Index is a comprehensive study of approximately 2,700 international business and leisure travellers from nine countries. It is conducted by FutureBrand, a global brand consultancy company and Weber Shandwick which is a public relations firm.
The main marketing slogan for the destination Maldives is “Maldives…the Sunny Side of Life”. The wellness and relaxation aspect is promoted under the theme of “Maldives…the Spiritual Side of Life”.

Maldives was ranked number one in these two areas. Maldives emerged as the number one in both Beach and Rest and Relaxation categories after successfully competing with countries like Tahiti, Bahamas and Australia.
Maldives also won the 'World's Most Romantic Destination' award at the WORLD TRAVEL AWARDS last year.

3. Greece

Often, a truly romantic vacation is a quixotic one—it promises an experience that's out of the ordinary. Before you make any plans, however, make a commitment to learning Mediterranean culture's best life lesson—the luxury of time. Daytime hours are indulged lounging seaside or exploring medieval villages, with evenings devoted to long, languorous meals centered on a table for two overlooking the sea and a bottle of wine that's just as local as the fish on your plate.

"The whole lifestyle in Greece is very laid back," says Kelly Shea, vice president of Earle Travel, an Indianapolis firm specializing in Greek travel destinations, "Nobody's in a hurry to do anything; you get into the rhythm of life on a Greek island."

Romance does not get lost in the equation, even on the busy island of Santorini—the height of Greece's island perfection—where white-washed villages with turquoise domes painted Aegean blue perch atop sinister calderas and volcanic precipices. The serene way of life melds with the tranquil blues and dramatic scenery to produce a passionate response in even the most buttoned-up visitors.

Dining off the fruits of the island can be one of the greatest pleasures for both locals and visitors to Santorini. When you become keenly aware that everything is fleeting, and savor every minute of your time on the island a meal can feel like the most decadent form of seduction. There's no shortage of restaurants perched like birds of prey atop the island's cliffs. And locally produced dry white wines made from assyrtiko grapes (Santorini is one of Greece's most important wine regions) seem like they were sent from the Gods to perfectly complement the fish caught just offshore.

4. USA, - california, NY, LV, Panama, Mexico, Miami, etc...

5. A stay in Banyan tree resort
- http://www.banyantree.com/en/seychelles/index.html

If you’ve ever wondered what the Garden of Eden would look like, think Seychelles. With its powder-white sands, turquoise waters and colorful Creole culture, it’s easy to fall under the spell of the Seychelles islands – all 115 of them.

The 60-villa Banyan Tree Seychelles resort is located on Mahé, one of the liveliest islands with water sports galore. Pick from water skiing, windsurfing, parasailing, snorkeling, or some of the best sailing around. Or let yourself be swayed by the charm of the Seychellois people, who’re noted for their warm hospitality, tantalizing coconut curries and ethnic art. A good time to experience Creole gaiety is during the annual Creole festival in October, when Victoria – the Seychelles capital – comes alive with music, dancing and dramatic productions.

But if you’re looking for tranquility, you never have to leave the resort, which offers the ultimate in exclusivity. Its architecture is a quaint combination of contemporary, colonial and “plantation” décor, and leads one into a bygone era. Get in touch with Mother Nature in a Hill Villa that offers captivating coastline views, the peaceful green hues of lush vegetation and a completely private pool. Or get lost in your own little paradise in a Presidential Villa nestled in a private cove by the water’s edge... The Seychelles islands’ reputation as the “Eden of the Indian Ocean” is well deserved indeed.

6. Europe - Scotland, Holland, Berlin, Prague, etc..

Retirement places:
1. Australia, Melb or Brissy 2. Canada


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Photography in Malacca

Just came back from Malacca. Went for a shooting trip. It was satisfying not contented.. We needed more interesting scenery, sights, etc for us to shoot further. Probably, we just missed out some good shooting area.. Cos we are not professionals! haha.. well, we will get better..
For my first attempt, I believe I have done my best and given the best shot! I only selected a few.. But it may not be the best, but I guess, practice makes perfect! Not bad for amateur man!

At the night market, Jonker walk, saw this colourful lamps, captured the nice contrast.. Is the composition good? hehee

Saw this old bike against the white moldy wall, at least i got some artistic genes! I would this is the best shot, I've got!

I managed to snap this.. it was amazing! Its some sticky candy thingy.. which was passed down since ancient! Now they have improvised, modernized and uptrend, as you can see, there are other fruits to combine on tat stick..
Probably, gonna take up some more photography courses to enhance my photography skills to another level.
I felt satisfaction when i managed to capture a good shot.. I believe I can take artistic shot! hehehe


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

What the Hell??

I spotted this mistake.. My brown has became a CAT? Geezzz.. Why? sigh.. Can't they just make it right? OMFG... How can they do that? We paid them and they get the simplest data wrong?


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

15 mth old Xylon

Well, our son is very expressive.. so many facial expressions to capture.. So adorable... sometimes really naughty.. but just wanna cuddle him so much... I guess educating starts from now! yeah..