WendyN's Travel photoset WendyN's Travel photoset

Friday, February 27, 2009

The power of photo editing

Its been awhile, since I update this blog... Oh well, been busy with thoughts and stuff... Finally, I am right on track and moving on... Life is full of surprises, contradiction and doubts. Well, that's the reality of life... Anyhow, I have been trying out a design software to edit my photos.. Oh well, I love it... It just so cool... I love the way the software does to my photos.. The colour, the exposure, brightness, etc...

My mum and my boy, posing to the camera like a pro heheheh..

My little boy looking so handsome and genuine... Ya ya, I am bragging about son but that's what parents are doing rite? Either they complaining or praising their children.. what else?

I love this with the hallucinating background.. Just so fairytale like... And the focus is on my boy..
I will continue to explore with my design software, so that I can enhance more photos in a pro manner! Need a lot of practice!

Stay tune for more updates... I have few things along the pipeline.. Do pop by and find out more... And support me!!!


Monday, February 02, 2009

Celebrating birthday for ah Ma!

My little son celebrated birthday with my mum for the first time...

Look at the widely opened tiger's mouth, I want the cake!

Check me out! Do i look fierce?

Wannabe Beckham! I wanna get a lot of sponsors! Free branded clothes, apparels, etc! Yipee!

Am I holding the ball right?