WendyN's Travel photoset WendyN's Travel photoset

Monday, April 28, 2008

Xylon's first swim!!! Its so fun!

It's a pleasure to watch our son swim... He was a bit worried and panicky... But after a while, he is having great fun and laughing away... He loves playing with water and like to splash water... It's just so amazing....

To view more photos, go www.flickr.com/photos/wendyneo/


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Haircut for Xylon

My dear boy just trimmed his hair... He is quite a good boy... And of cos fidgeting a bit...This is his second time at the Kid's hair salon.. hehe...


Friday, April 11, 2008

Did you know?

The Gap Inc. (Includes Baby Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic)
+ 2003 – The Gap Inc. was involved in a class action lawsuit filed by sweatshop workers inSaipan. The allegations included workers not being paid for overtime, unsafe conditions, and forced abortion policies.

+ 2007 – Gap Inc. is evaluated as one of the 100 “Most Ethical Companies” by Ethisphere Magazine, a leading, world wide publication that studies the ethical business practices of global companies. Gap was also ranked 25th by CRO Magazine on it’s “100 Best Corporate Citizens” list.
+ Then, on October 28, 2007, BBC outs a Gap factory inIndia, airing video of children working in one of their factories. Gap denies knowledge of this violation and vows to investigate and stop such practices.
You can bet they are probably more aware and behaving better than ever at this point.

Forever 21
+ 2001 – Factory workers called for a store boycott until working conditions and payroll are improved. Forever 21 agrees to pay back wages and the lawsuit was dropped.
+ 2004 – Forever 21 agrees to cease selling clothes featuring animal fur after being targeted by PETA. + On-Going - High profile designers file lawsuits against Forever 21 for ripping off designs. Designers include: Diane von Fürstenburg, Gwen Stefani, Anna Sui and most recently, Anthropology.
+ December 2004 – The Garment Workers Center, Sweatshop Watch and the Asian Pacific American Legal Center reach an agreement with Forever 21 on behalf of garment workers. All remain committed to ensuring that the clothing Forever 21 sells in its stores is made under lawful conditions.
So while it appears Forever 21 may have reached acceptable levels of social consciousness and they do manufacture a portion of their clothing in Los Angeles, they are infamous design thieves and a big question mark when it comes to their environmental practices.

Target Corporation
Okay, some have been nailed and learned from their mistakes and some have not and look pretty good but the details are fuzzy and hard to pin down.

Welcome to Target. In April of 2000, Target received the Minnesota Environmental Initiative Award for it’s environmental program. The store has since gained notoriety for extensive community outreach and charitable giving and states impressive social and environmental principles on it’s website. However, there is little previous info available for consumers to evaluate the company’s progress or effectiveness in these areas And let’s face it, any store that takes up that much space can’t be all that great for the environment.
Yet, overall, it seems the cuter, cleaner version of WalMart isn’t as bad as we thought it might be and in fact, has signed an agreement with National Retail Federation’s “Statement of Principles on Supplier Legal Compliance,” (translation: commitment to high ethical standards and has stated that they will continue providing environmentally friendly goods that meet customers needs. I recently bought pajama bottoms there and found, when I got home, that they were made from organic cotton!

H & M
Okay, here we go, we have a winner!!! It seems that the Swedish based company has a long history of positive social and environmental practices. Yay! H & M’s Code of Conduct states, “…it’s suppliers must comply with all relevant environmental legislation. In practice, the requirements cover the handling of chemicals, waste management and waste-water treatment.”

In January of 2008, an international branding and business think-tank, The Medinge Group, released its fifth annual Brands with a Conscience list and H & M is in the top eight. The goal of the organization is to show that it is possible for very successful, high profile brands to practice business in sustainable, socially responsible and humanistic ways while continuing to build profits. Not for nothing but skincare giant Aveda also made this list.
H & M has also started selling a few organic cotton items for men and women so there’s hope in that department too. The worst thing I could find on H & M was a resistance to their US, in-store workers all forming a union but they are apparently open to talking about it.



Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Did you know?

I found this article...
Interesting discovery,

About baby's Brain Development,
Charistakis' research suggests a link between watching TV and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The study of more than 2000 children demonstrated that for every hour of TV watched from ages one to three, the children had an utmost 10 percent higher chance of developing ADHD by age seven. In other words, a toddler watching three hours of infant TV daily would have a 30 percent higher chance of having attentional problems in school.

Meaning, which makes it difficult for children to focus on slower tasks that warrant thoughts and more attention.
So maybe I stop my baby from watching too much TV. hahahaaa...

But how true is this article?
Do you believe it?