WendyN's Travel photoset WendyN's Travel photoset

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Little Xylon

He just had 2 jabs last saturday 26Jan08... gosh... he was crying so loudly and pitifully... Once again, went thru the heart pain moment again... but this time rd, he was so furious that he stared back at the doc... It's the look, "I hate you, DOCTOR, I swear, you gonna get hurt next time!!".. heheee...

Well, I hope he will be stronger after all these painful and costly jabs... Pocket is hurting so as the baby... :)

Now this boy is very active and smiley... Love to play and spend time with him... But he can be a devil at times... hahaa... I hope he will grow up to be an obedient boy.. if not, I will be shouting, yelling and beating the boy like a MAD AUNTIE.... Noooooo..... I seriously hope NOT...


Friday, January 18, 2008

5th mth of Xylon Quah...

My poor xylon is recovering from cold and cough... Sigh... the first he got all the sickness at a time...Fever, cold and cough... didnt sleep well... cranky and weeping alot....
He is 5 mths old now... going strong.. noisier and happier... smart too... like to be cuddled.. :P He is probably a mummy boy...
This picture was taken when was sick... Poor him...


Monday, January 07, 2008

The laughter of Xylon

He is laughing oredi... Well, so happily.. hahah.. Well, happy to see him laugh!!