WendyN's Travel photoset WendyN's Travel photoset

Friday, August 24, 2007

Xylon's First Mth Celebration

Dear All,

Xylon's First Month Birthday
Venue: North Border Bar & Grill
Time: 2pm
Please RSVP Wendy(9858 4727) or Dalon (9784 4840) to plan for this joyful event. Appreciate.
All the Best,

Wendy, Dalon & Xylon


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Xylon 11th Day Old

Our son has been really active nowadays... Didn't wanna sleep after feeding... been exploring around and crying for attention... :P So cute...


Monday, August 20, 2007

Xylon Quah Yi Ren is out to rule the World!!

My Dear boy is sleeping soundly like a pig! Oh yes, he is born in the year of the golden pig!! hahaa.. but I am sure he will grow up to a very charming and intelligent man.. No doubt.. hehe... his parents so smart and alert... :P

Xylon showing off his first yawn... :)

Xylon is trying to catch a glimpse of us.... Isn't he a charmer? so chubby and a cutie...We are so in love with him... Not sure who he will take after eventually.. hahaha...