WendyN's Travel photoset WendyN's Travel photoset

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Red Snapper Pte Ltd

Well, I am setting up my own company... It will be very challenging for me... Its not gonna be easy during this recession period... But its a good opportunity to start now!

Please take a look at my company blog.
Do support us!



Monday, March 16, 2009

19 mths old

My chubby and greedy little one is munching away his biscuit. Well, that's his fav! What else? Kids usually crave for such junk food! Whatever you give them, they are willing to try... We adventured by let him tried the spicy fried carrot cake, apparently, he likes it, although, he was complaining and shouting "hot", he still end up wanting more! haha..

Well, when there is biscuit, there will always be a big smile!

He is sitting in a corner with his pokey... "Hah!! I caught you hiding in a corner, Mummy!"

Being cheeky as usual, but so adorable.. yes my little is growing up fast, so fast that he can run real fast.. I probably cant catch up with him... like a lighting bolt he is, the next min, he is gone! Yes, our age is catching up... :P


Friday, February 27, 2009

The power of photo editing

Its been awhile, since I update this blog... Oh well, been busy with thoughts and stuff... Finally, I am right on track and moving on... Life is full of surprises, contradiction and doubts. Well, that's the reality of life... Anyhow, I have been trying out a design software to edit my photos.. Oh well, I love it... It just so cool... I love the way the software does to my photos.. The colour, the exposure, brightness, etc...

My mum and my boy, posing to the camera like a pro heheheh..

My little boy looking so handsome and genuine... Ya ya, I am bragging about son but that's what parents are doing rite? Either they complaining or praising their children.. what else?

I love this with the hallucinating background.. Just so fairytale like... And the focus is on my boy..
I will continue to explore with my design software, so that I can enhance more photos in a pro manner! Need a lot of practice!

Stay tune for more updates... I have few things along the pipeline.. Do pop by and find out more... And support me!!!


Monday, February 02, 2009

Celebrating birthday for ah Ma!

My little son celebrated birthday with my mum for the first time...

Look at the widely opened tiger's mouth, I want the cake!

Check me out! Do i look fierce?

Wannabe Beckham! I wanna get a lot of sponsors! Free branded clothes, apparels, etc! Yipee!

Am I holding the ball right?


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Unlawful? Is it true? Wow..

Reselling Kids' Clothes is Unlawful as of Feb. 10

If you've ever purchased kids' clothing at a consignment shop or garage sale, you won't be able to do it after Feb. 10, 2009. In this tough economy, that's going to hurt a lot of working families. And why? Because Congress passed a new regulation under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act in response to widespread recalls of products that posed a threat to children, including toys made with lead or lead-based paint. Totally understandable, but how will this affect struggling families now?

According to a recent article in the Los Angeles Times:
"'Lead can also be found in buttons or charms on clothing and on appliques that have been added to fabric,' said Charles Margulis, communications director for the Center for Environmental Health in Oakland. 'A child in Minnesota died a few years ago after swallowing a lead charm on his sneaker,' he said."

"But others say the measure was written too broadly. Among the most vocal critics to emerge in recent weeks are U.S.-based makers of handcrafted toys and handmade clothes, as well as thrift and consignment shops that sell children's clothing."

This situation was brought to my attention on the MarketingProfs Knowledge Exchange by Cynthia Broockman, who owns two consignment stores and a thrift shop in Virginia. Yes, this is about her livelihood but it also affects nonprofit agencies (like Goodwill) that sell used clothing to generate fundraising revenue. Not to mention the millions of lower and middle-income families that rely on second-hand clothing for their kids.

Protecting our kids from lead-based toys and items is a sound thing to do, but some exceptions should be made. Got any ideas?

by Elaine Fogel


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

17 mths - Xylon

His fake laugh will blow you away.. especially with the "ha ha ha"
My little boy is growing really fast... getting more and more alert, smart, expressive, articulate, vocal..
Looking for some enrichment classes.. Looking at sending him to one in March... Quite a few options to think about.. Hopefully, after the classes, he will be less active and more independent.. hehe..


Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Happy New Year! What's new with the resolution?

2009 New Year's Resolution

By Sangeetha Nadarajan

TheAsianParent: Helping Parents in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong
Happy 2009
It’s that time of the year again. A time to lounge on the couch and decide how to make life different from the way it has been in the last 12 months. A time to draw up a list of ‘to-do’ things for 2009. And of course, the inevitable that is on everyone’s mind at this time –RESOLUTIONS!

The tradition of the New Year's resolutions goes all the way back to 153 B.C. Janus, a mythical king of early Rome was placed at the head of the calendar. With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future. Janus became the ancient symbol for resolutions and many Romans looked for forgiveness from their enemies and also exchanged gifts before the beginning of each year. Resolution making dates back to early Babylonians. The early Babylonian's most popular resolution was to return borrowed farm equipment.

A Resolution isn’t the Solution

Resolution may have the word solution in it but that does not mean it’s going to be the answer to how odd your life has turned out in 2008. Resolutions are just a just a fancy way of saying commitment. You’re committed to your partner, your children, your family, your pet, your job....do you really need an extra commitment? Besides, if it really is going to benefit and change your life for the better, shouldn’t you have already started it? Why wait till New Year to make it?

The mother of all resolutions has to be losing weight. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, thin or well, horizontally challenged, smart or riding the waves of dumbness, losing weight will be somewhere on the list of resolutions. This is one resolution I have been making almost every Sunday in the past two years. On Sunday evenings, as I tuck into a hearty dinner that looks fit to feed the giant at the top of the beanstalk, I proudly announce, ‘come Monday, I’ll go on a diet’. I never get around to doing it, of course, because that ‘Monday’ never comes!

The next resolution usually is, spending more time with the family. Recent polls conducted by General Nutrition Centres, Quicken, and others shows that more than 50% of Americans vow to appreciate loved ones and spend more time with family and friends this year. Come on, now. That is not even a resolution. That is a necessity. If you spent your free time in 2008, on the green, instead of with Junior, then you don’t need a resolution to change, you need a good old fashioned nagging from the wife to get you back in order. You don’t want a ‘Cat’s in the Cradle’ case now do you?


What makes us make resolutions that we clearly know won’t stick? Perhaps, it is the belief that in the New Year, we are doing something to make our life better. Really? I’m not buying that. I think people make resolutions out of guilt. They know they did something in the past year that needs changing so they make a promise and a goal to change it. But if history of resolutions has taught us anything, it is that nobody keeps resolutions. I won’t even check back with you by June. Chances are by the second week of January, you would have already lapsed and are living a repeat of last year.

Truth be told, I don’t make resolutions. The basic reason being, I don’t keep them. In a drunken moment, I may declare loudly on New Year’s Eve, a few seconds before midnight, one resolution. However, by the next morning, as I open my eyes and see the world as it is in the New Year, I would have forgotten my declaration due to my alcoholic amnesia.

Make this year’s resolution-making fun. Sit the kids down and come up with weird resolutions, such as, learning to belch the alphabet, feeding a kangaroo, mewing at a dog and such. The kids will have a riot with this. Besides, as much as I know it, you know it. Resolutions do not last.

My resolution for this year? To have no resolutions, just like last year. Happy New Year!